
Dental Emergencies

As soon as you notice any hint that something is wrong, call our dental office immediately. Be it persistent oral pain or visible dental damage, do not wait. While you’re on the phone with us, we can advise you on how to relieve your discomfort while stopping the problem from getting worse. There are many kinds of emergencies you could experience; here are some tips for dealing with some of the most common ones.

“Tooth Decay is the second most common disease, second only to the common cold.”

Are you experiencing discomfort with a painful tooth? There are several factors that can lead to tooth pain –  a cracked tooth, tooth decay, thinning enamel or receding gums are some examples. As decay settles closer to the nerve of the tooth, it can become more sensitive to hot and cold foods and beverages. Sugars may also cause irritation and an aching sensation.

Treatment for your tooth pain may be as simple as providing you with the correct toothpaste, or it may require a more extensive general dentistry procedure. Whatever the nature of the remedy, you can be assured that the required procedure will be carried out with skill, care, and compassion.

Broken teeth and trauma may or may not be associated with severe pain but should be attended to as soon as possible to allow for an accurate assessment of the severity of the problem, as well as palliative management to prevent exacerbation of the problem. Rest assured that we will do everything we can to see you on the same day you contact us and that you are in great hands with our exceptional team of compassionate doctors.

Jaw pain can stem from a variety of sources. Clenching your teeth during times of stress, grinding your teeth at night, misalignment of teeth, arthritis and other factors can lead to a fatigued and inflamed temporomandibular joint. A proper diagnosis is required for effective care and treatment. Our experienced team has helped numerous patients relieve their symptoms and improve their quality of life by accurately diagnosing and treating their jaw pain and temporomandibular joint disorders.

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We’re happy to answer any questions you might have, or to help schedule a visit to our dental clinic. For urgent matters or appointment, please call or WhatsApp us.